Center for Active Living

Engaging the community in physical activity and wellness programs to improve health.

Explore The Center for Active Living

The Center for Active Living (CAL) aims to engage the community in physical activity and wellness programs to improve health, while also providing students hands on learning opportunities. CAL offers a supportive environment, diverse evidence based programs and specialized training techniques to help you meet your health and wellness goals.

Vision: Shaping the community’s quality of life through wellness program engagement and education.

Mission: To engage the community in wellness opportunities and concurrently train emerging health and wellness professionals in aspects of health promotion.

Services Offered at the Center for Active Living:

  • Lifestyle Refresh Program - NEW!
  • Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP)
  • Customized Fitness Training
  • PWR! Moves Group Fitness
  • Move MS Fitness Class
  • Workplace Wellness Programming
ProgramProgram DescriptionScheduleCost

Lifestyle Refresh Program - NEW!

Center for Active Living Lifestyle Refresh

Program participants will:

  • Refresh and learn new knowledge on the benefits of physical activity, nutrition, stress management, and social support.
  • Practice strategies to be successful in implementing and sustaining healthy behaviors.
  • Have access to a health coach for a personalized health and wellness experience.
  • Meet new people in the community.
  • Connect with students who are immersed in current research and who are passionate about working with others.
  • Feel empowered to achieve their wellness goals.


The program will start on Wednesday, February 22.

The group will meet once a week (Mondays from 6:00-7:30pm) for 10 weeks.

The sessions will primary be online with in-person activities at the Lane Center (4683 N. Nevada) on designated weeks. These sessions will be led by our interprofessional team of students.


Prevent T2 Lifestyle Change Program

The Prevent T2 Lifestyle Change Program is a yearlong class designed for people with prediabetes and those who want to lower their risk of type 2 diabetes.  

This program is open to any individual who meets the following criteria:

  • Looking to improve lifestyle and lose weight
  • 18 years or older
  • BMI > 25
  • No previous diabetes diagnosis (Type 1 or Type 2)
  • A1c between 5.7 -6.4
  • Fasting glucose 100-123 mg/dl
  • Previously diagnose with gestational DM

The overall intention of this program is help provide knowledge and skills to increase client confidence and attitudes toward healthy lifestyle behaviors while simultaneously teaching our students how to effectively work as a part of an interprofessional team.



Call or email to join - classes start September 13

CustomFitnessMeet one-on-one with a fitness coach to discuss your wellness goals and work together to develop a custom workout plan.

Call or email to schedule:

tel: (720) 255-8067


$75 for two one-hour sessions.
PWR! Parkinson's
PWR! Moves group fitness classes provide a supportive social environment in addition to a full body workout. Join the Parkinson's Wellness Recovery (PWR!) Moves today to meet new people and to move bigger, stronger and with more confidence.M-Th 10:00 & 11:00 am classes$7.50 per class


MS Moves

Move MS fitness class is designed for those Participate virtually or in-person during weekly sessions, led by trained experts, at the UCCS Lane Center for Academic Health Sciences.

Join Jumpstart for a four-session introduction to exercising with MS. From Jumpstart, participants then move on to Discover, the eight-session functional exercise class where participants explore Pilates, Yoga, Zumba, and more.    

Call or email to join:

tel: (720) 255-8067


Link to Register Discovery: Functional Exercise

4:00 - 5:00pm

Jumpstart- Free

Discovery-$60 per class


Workplace Wellness

Contact our team today to learn more about our workplace wellness programming to help enhance the culture of health in your organization.

Call or email to learn more:

tel: (720) 255-8067


Peer Health Coach Logo
Peer Health Coaching: Have you found it difficult to make or keep healthy lifestyle changes consistent? Are you generally frustrated with your progress toward your health goals?
You may be a good candidate for health coaching!
Visit Peer Health Coaching page for more information.Free

Join Us Virtually 

Connect with CAL and your favorite classes online. Watch now! 

COVID-19 Resources

To all of our patients/clients: In light of the public concern regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we are doing what we can to keep you and your family safe. We are working in conjunction with UCCS, the El Paso County Health Department, the Colorado Department of Health and Environment, and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).  At the current time the CDC and the local health department report that the risk to most people is believed to be low. Those individuals at the highest risk are those who have traveled to areas where widespread community transmission is occurring, those who have had direct close contact with a person confirmed to have COVID-19, and older adults with chronic medical conditions.

What can you do to prevent the spread of disease?

  • Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water  
  • Use an alcohol based hand sanitizer with at least 70% ethyl alcohol
  • Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose with unwashed hands
  • Stay at home when you are sick
  • Cover your cough or sneeze
  • Avoid unnecessary travel

Signs and symptoms of Coronavirus include:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath

If you have had close contact with a person known to have COVID-19 or recent travel from an area with ongoing spread of COVID-19 and the above symptoms. Please call our office before coming to the clinic.

Access additional public health information and resources for COVID-19


Payment Options

Personal checks and credit cards are accepted with monthly billing options available.


Insurance is not accepted.


Fitness goals.

“The staff at the Center for Active Living don't just tell me what I should do: they asks me what my goals are and what I like and don't like to do in terms of fitness. They are real people and seem to value me as a real person; together we are a team for my health and fitness. I like their enthusiasm, energy, positive yet sincere feedback, timeliness, and "extras" they provide, like videos of how to do my workouts.”

“Loved trying something I thought I did not like."

“I am much more willing to try to do things that I had stopped doing.”

Enthusiastic motivators.

“They always impresses us with their enthusiasm, commitment and dedication. They are strong motivators and have a deep concern to making a difference in helping people lead more active lives.”

“They engage me with enthusiasm and sparkle as well as knowledge and skill. I appreciate being guided toward health a step at a time, building from what I can do to what I want to be able to do!”

 “I like that the interns are here. They add something to the class and I learn something new every time I am here.”

 “The interns being here creates an atmosphere of trust.”

Group classes.

“(PWR! Classes) are my safe haven…fun, comfortable and supportive.”

 “The best part of the class was talking with people with similar struggles.”

 “This is more than an exercise class. It’s part of my way of life now.”

“I’m am around other people and they make me laugh, we have fun and I’m relaxed. It’s just very comfortable, supportive.”

“Seeing others succeed gives you the confidence that you too can do it too!”

Contact Us

Locate Us

UCCS HealthCircle Center for Active Living
Lane Center for Academic Health Sciences Building
4863 North Nevada Avenue, Suite 128
Colorado Springs, CO 80918



Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday
7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

The Center for Active Living follows the UCCS academic calendar

Contact Us

COVID Update: Mask Policy

March 6, 2023- current

  • Masks are optional for healthy patients and staff. Anyone can continue wearing masks, but they will not be required on the 2nd floor of the Lane Center.
  • Any patient who is sick (coughing, sneezing, or who has a fever) should wear a mask upon entry to the building. If you are showing symptoms of an illness, the staff may ask you to wear a mask once you reach the 2nd floor.  

Thank you for your understanding,
UCCS Primary Care Clinic Providers and Staff